Many people have come to believe that in getting a remodeling project completed they need to get bids (the what) before selecting a contractor (the who). Perhaps that may be part of the reason for great dissatisfaction for the majority of people when asked about their remodeling experience.
Although it is true that an estimate is critical to a homeowners need to qualify their project and budget, it’s not really a qualifier for contractor selection. Contractor selection should be made based on references, background checks, longevity, communications skills, and perhaps, most importantly, a proven method of helping his/her client through the maze of design options and processes.
Through solid processes, many of the moving parts can be made sense of. Not the least of which can be the local zoning, energy, soil erosion, sanitation and building departments.
If a homeowner contracts with a builder solely based on a proposal (written bid) to complete the remodeling project and then begins to work through the design and selections process, they may be in for a shock and possible disappointment.
Now, add to that the requirements from the above mentioned authorities and you may have a “perfect storm” brewing for which you have obligated yourself to go through.
Because these are all necessary parts of the process, we advise that a contractor be selected and then all the details can be worked through before the large dollar contract is signed.