It is only appropriate that I write a little about decks and outdoor living space in that we have had a barrage of inquiry’s this spring! I’m always amazed when the flavor of the year reveals itself each spring. Year after year there always seems to be a common project of interest in the minds of our community. Some years it’s kitchens, some years it’s basements and other years it may be master additions; but this year it’s decks.
Although wooden decks and terraces have been on the scene for many years on homes with great views, such as mountains and lake sides, most back yards were more utility minded. In decades past, back yards were used for such things as chickens, rabbits and gardens.
In the 20’s and 30’s detached garages took up back yard space, because most people feared explosions and fires from the first generation automobiles. It wasn’t until the 50’s and 60’s that garages became attached to the modern homes and people began to spend their hard earned money buying food in place of working to raise it. While common places to gather and relax had been living rooms, family rooms and even the front porches, more people in recent generations have been turning to the outdoor sanctuary of their back yard and thus have invested into modern day porches, known as decks and patios on the backs of their homes.
Most of the first generation patios were of standard concrete and decks were of pressure treated pine wood and most were fairly symmetrical, basic and un-attractive. Nowadays, however, with the ever increasing popularity and amounts of time they are spending enjoying their outdoor living space more and more options are coming into play with some of the newer materials and designs making you feel like never going inside at all.
All of this outdoor beauty can come at a fairly hefty price tag though. Whereas the standard basic rectangular wood deck of average size can go as low as $20.00 per square foot, the higher end PVC capped composites with fancy vinyl, composite and/or metal posts and railings can easily hit $70.00 per square foot and higher with some tricked out designs which might include multi-tiers, planters, benches and lighting.
Whatever your budget and tastes are, there are options to allow your family to enjoy some great outdoor time here in our Lansing, Michigan area!